
Showing posts from February, 2016

Science Objective Type Questions (Series – 8)

Q. 1. Where the hormones named insulin and glucogen are secreted? (a). Liver (b). Stomach (c). Pancreas (d). Duodenum Q. 2. Cuscutta is which type of organism? (a). Autotrophic (b). Heterotrophic (c). Parasitic (d). Saprophytic Q. 3. The name of excretory organ of earthworm is (a). Kidney (b). Flame cell (c). Nephridia (d). None Q. 4. Flame cell is a type of excretion unit. In which it is found? (a). Amoeba (b). Sponge (c). Worms (d). All above Q. 5. What the record of heart beating is called? (a). ECG (b). EEG (c). PET (d). MRI Q. 6. In which type of blood group there are both type of antigens? (a). A (b). B (c). AB (d). O Q. 7. What is the valve of refractive index of dense flint glass? (a). 1.65 (b). 1.6 (c). 1.61 (d). 1.63 Q. 8. What is the complementary colour for red colour? (a). Magenta (b). Cyan (c). Yellow (d). Blue Q. 9. Name two planets nearest to Sun instead of

Science Objective Type Questions (Series – 7)

Q. 1. What is the name of respiratory organs in grasshopper? (a). Lungs (b). Gills (c). Skin (d). Trachea Q. 2. Food is absorbed in (a). Stomach (b). Oesophagus (c). Small intestine (d). Anus Q. 3. The number of digestive glands found in human are (a). One pair (b). Three pairs (c). Six pairs (d). Seven pairs Q. 4. A preservative gas is (a). Co 2 (b). SO 2 (c). HCl (d). None Q. 5. The cheapest acid is (a). HCl (b). HNO 3 (c). H 2 SO 4 (d). None Q. 6. The most commonly used metal is (a). Gold (b). Copper (c). Iron (d). Silver Q. 7. The number of metals which are found in nature is (a). 20 (b). 112 (c). 70 (d). 118 Q. 8. The rate of respiration in plants as compared with animals is (a). More (b). Equal (c). Higher   (d). Smaller Q. 9. What is the length of alimentary canal of human? (a). 3m (b). 6m (c). 4m (d). 9m Q. 10. From where digestion of protein starts?

Science Objective Type Questions (Series – 6)

Q. 1. Natural satellite of Earth is (a). Sun (b). Moon (c). Mars (d). Star Q. 2. What are the main types of mirrors? (a). 5 (b). 9 (c). 3 (d). 2 Q. 3. The phenomenon of coming back of light after striking a surface is known as (a). Reflection (b). Reflective index (c). Refraction (d). dispersion Q. 4. The mid-point in the spherical is known as (a). Pole (b). Optical centre (c). Principal focus (d). None Q. 5. Our eyes are most sensitive to which colour of light? (a). Red colour (b). Green colour (c). Orange colour (d). Blue colour Q. 6. Human kidney are (a). Bean shaped (b). Spindle shaped (c). Slipper shaped (d). None Q. 7. Heart of heat is (a). SA node (b). AV node (c). Bundle of His (d). None Q. 8. Name the four blood groups in human being (a). A, B, C, D (b). A, B, D, F (c). A, B, AB, O (d). A, B, AB, C Q. 9. What is the respiratory organs in cockroach? (a). Lungs (

Science Objective Type Questions (Series – 5)

Q. 1. For which metals the distillation method of refining is used? (a). Mercury and zinc (b). Tin and lead (c). Iron and aluminium (d). Copper and zinc Q. 2. What is chemical formula of bauxite? (a). Al 2 O 3 (b). Al 2 O 3 .2H 2 O (c). Na 3 Al F 6 (d). None Q. 3. What is the melting point of alumina? (a). 2340K (b). 2348K (c). 2350K (d). 2446K Q. 4. Which is used as fungicide? (a). Chlorine (b). Sulphur (c). Carbon (d). Phosphorus Q. 5. Which metal is best conductor of heat? (a). Iron (b). Silver (c). Copper (d). Zinc Q. 6. Photosynthesis is which type of process? (a). Physical (b). Chemical (c). Biochemical (d). Biotic Q. 7. Pancreatic juice is secreted from where..? (a). Stomach (b). Liver (c). Gall bladder (d). Pancreas Q. 8. Which organ is of U-shaped in human digestive system? (a). Stomach (b). Duodenum (c). Oesophagus (d). Liver Q. 9. How many satellites does Jupiter

Science Objective Type Questions (Series – 4)

Q. 1. pH of human urine is (a). 7 (b). 8 (c). 5 (d). 6 Q. 2. A transparent medium bounded by three surfaces is called, (a). Lens (b). Prism (c). Glass slab (d). None of above Q. 3. What is done by a highly polished surface (or mirror) falling the light on its surface? (a). Reflected (b). Refracted (c). Reflected and refracted (d). None of above Q. 4. How many colours are there in white light of the Sun? (a). 8 (b). 6 (c). 3 (d). 7 Q. 5. Who sustains life on Earth? (a). Moon (b). Galaxies (c). Stars (d). Sun Q. 6. The 1 st planet to be discovered is (a). Pluto (b). Earth (c). Mars (d). Neptune Q. 7. Bile juice is secreted from where? (a). Stomach (b). Liver (c). Pancreas (d). Gall bladder Q. 8. In which of the following the exchange of gases take place through skin? (a). Fish (b). Frog (c). Earthworm (d). None of above Q. 9. How we get energy? (a). By digestion of foods