
Showing posts with the label Ampere's law

What is Electromagnet and it's Applications?

Welcone back friends in the World of Why and How with your host - Science Cinch . Today we will see some astonishing characteristics and use of electromagnets. Let's begin! Most of us noticed that, a compass needle usually point North & South directions, if there are no other magnets near it. But, if there are magnets near compass, the needle will be attracted towards them and will point in a different direction or be deflected. Similarly, if a compass was held near a wire carrying an electric current, the needle was deflected. But if the current was switched off the needle swung back and pointed North-South again. This meant that the current passing through the wire produces a magnetic field. This is Ampere's law, which states that the magnetic field created by an electric current is proportional to the size of that electric current, with a constant of proportionality equal to the permeability of free space. Electromagnets uses this concept, usually an electromagnet consis