Science Objective Type Questions (Series – 4)

Q. 1. pH of human urine is
(a). 7
(b). 8
(c). 5
(d). 6

Q. 2. A transparent medium bounded by three surfaces is called,
(a). Lens
(b). Prism
(c). Glass slab
(d). None of above

Q. 3. What is done by a highly polished surface (or mirror) falling the light on its surface?
(a). Reflected
(b). Refracted
(c). Reflected and refracted
(d). None of above

Q. 4. How many colours are there in white light of the Sun?
(a). 8
(b). 6
(c). 3
(d). 7

Q. 5. Who sustains life on Earth?
(a). Moon
(b). Galaxies
(c). Stars
(d). Sun

Q. 6. The 1st planet to be discovered is
(a). Pluto
(b). Earth
(c). Mars
(d). Neptune

Q. 7. Bile juice is secreted from where?
(a). Stomach
(b). Liver
(c). Pancreas
(d). Gall bladder

Q. 8. In which of the following the exchange of gases take place through skin?
(a). Fish
(b). Frog
(c). Earthworm
(d). None of above

Q. 9. How we get energy?
(a). By digestion of foods
(b). By respiration
(c). By A and B both
(d). None of above

Q. 10. Which of the following is autotrophic organism?
(a). Plants
(b). Human
(c). Animals
(d). Fungi


Q. 1    -  (d)
Q. 3    -  (a)
Q. 5    -  (d)
Q. 7    -  (b)
Q. 9    -  (c)

Q. 2    -  (b)
Q. 4    -  (d)
Q. 6    -  (b)
Q. 8    -  (c)
Q.10   -  (a)

Series 1 2 3 ... 5


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