Why we can stretch a Rubber ball but not a Stone?

Interesting questions. I asked this kind of curious questions in my childhood; that was a great experience. Okay now let we see what will be the answer of this question according to Science. Well, there is a term in physics called elasticity. It is defined as, "the property of a body by virtue of which it tends to regain its original size and shape when an applied force is removed". This definition tells us, when we applied a force on a object then their will be some changes in it's original size and shape; but if it regain previous size and shape then that kind objects are called elastic in nature. And this nature of an object decide that how much it will regain previous size and shape. On the other side, if you are applying a force on object; and it have no gross tendency to regain their previous shape and get permanently deformed. Such matters are called Plastic and this property is called plasticity. Now I hope my readers are aware of two physical properties and th...